Thursday, June 5, 2014

Interview with Ambika

Ambika (India, 16) 

CV: What is your home of origin? Why did you/your family settle in NJ?

I was born in India and I moved here because my dad was studying here. Then, the whole family decided to move here.

CV: What is your favorite aspect of your culture?

I don’t know the different clothes and the food. My favorite type of Indian food is paneer, which is unaged curd cheese that's used commonly in many dishes.

CV: Define and describe the most important (or most celebrated) holiday of your culture.

There’s Diwali which is a new year, when Indian families have fireworks and celebrate. This is it was in late October and even though my family didn't do much for Diwali, it's highly celebrated in India. It's celebrated for five days, where the third day is called the "festival of lights," when people light up candles all around their house for this auspicious occasion. 

CV: What would you say is, from your perspective, the most commonly held misconception about people of your culture?

I guess that we are not really modern and we are all still developing. I feel like India is portrayed as an undeveloped nation in a lot of the movies, such as Slumdog Millionaire. But there are places in India that are modern and lifestyles that are with "the internet".

CV: Have you ever experienced racism?

I don't think so. Well, I don't feel like I personally experienced racism. Maybe because in NJ there are a lot of different cultures.

CV: What is the best thing about living in the U.S.?

Probably meeting all these different cultures. The U.S. is the melting pot of all sorts of different people that individuals can be free to express themselves.

CV: What is the worst thing about living in the USA? 

I guess from our town there aren’t many Indians that I could connect to.

CV: Lastly, how do people greet one another? 

We say namaste (:

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